Member-only story
October 2018 AT (After Trump)
By now, I hope most of us know that this really isn’t about Kavanaugh. It’s not even about the Supreme Court, despite the flood of headlines that are predictably focusing on nothing but.
Not saying that the recent appointment of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court isn’t significant, because of course it is. But it is only another twig tossed atop the blazing fire of ever multiplying catastrophes that have been assaulting us virtually every day since Trump’s election. We should know by now that this will not be the last, nor is it likely to be the worst. Because whatever used to be defined as worst keeps getting worse.
Today is October 8, 2018, AT. AT meaning, of course, After Trump. Because this perversion that now defines our day-to-day, minute-to-minute existence has become the new normal. There is only Before and After. Was a time when there was BC and AD, as in Before Christ and After Christ. Then came Before the Common Era (BCE) and the Common Era (CE), in recognition of the rather obvious fact that not everyone recognizes Jesus Christ as Lord because not everyone worships the same religion, and a lot of folks don’t worship at all.
But that kind of enlightened recognition happened back when shit like that mattered. It doesn’t now.
Trump, by sheer force of will and showmanship, has seen to it that our lives are now governed according to his own personal time clock and by what matters to him. Good or bad, it is now all about him. Before Trump, some of us were foolish…